Directors face increasing risk of personal liability and criminal prosecution

Amid the human tragedy of the loss of life resulting from the corona virus pandemic, some of the financial consequences of the crisis and new legislation brought in by the government in response to these problems have not received anywhere near the amount of press coverage and scrutiny that would have been expected in more normal times.

The speed with which the various financial reliefs had to be given following the first national lockdown in March 2020 did not allow a lot of thought to be given to the safeguards that needed to be put in place before funds were released.  Not surprisingly the various financial reliefs granted have been plagued by fraud.  However, the scale of the suspected fraud in relation to furlough scheme and the various corona virus loans is breath taking at an estimated £30 billion. To put this into context this is equivalent to the annual budget for Public Order & Safety services which include amongst other things the cost of the nations police force to catch criminals, the cost of the Crown Prosecution Service to prosecute these criminals and the prison service to lock them up.

In lieu of a mea-culpa, the government has recently introduced the Finance Act 2020 as its first shot to see if it can recover some of its money. The Finance Act gives HMRC extensive new powers to conduct criminal investigations and pursue directors by pressing criminal charges and issuing personal liability notices for a company’s tax liabilities. If this sounds a bit draconian it should be noted that furlough cheats are now on par with drug lords as HMRC has also been given the power to conduct dawn raids on homes and business premises under a warrant.

The political and financial pressures that have led to this development did not simply arise in the last year or so but have been brewing for the last 12 odd years since the Great Financial Crisis of 2008/2009 and its useful to see how we got here.

The central tenet of the Companies Act 2006 is that directors of companies have a fiduciary duty to exercise their powers with the objective of promoting the success of the company.  Furthermore, in doing so they are expected to exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence in performing their duties whilst avoiding conflicts of duty by exercising independent judgment. Nothing controversial here.

In good times, the benchmark for assessing a director’s conduct is a subjective test which runs along the following lines – did the director honestly believe that his act or omission was in the best interest of the company. Unfortunately, in bad times when a company is teetering on the edge of insolvency this is turned on its head.  Any concerns about the wellbeing of shareholders are shuttled to one side and the interests of creditors become paramount and the question is reframed as to whether an intelligent and honest man in the position of a director of the company could, in the circumstances, have reasonably believed that the transaction in question was for the benefit of the company.

More meat was put on the bones in the recent case of BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA (2019) which threw out of the window the concept of limited liability, at least as far as it applies to directors.  Apparently, the privilege of limited liability is not conferred on directors, that protection is only afforded to shareholders. What this means in practice is that if a creditors interest test is triggered and the director’s conduct is found wanting, there is a very real risk that they may be found to be personally liable for the debts of the company.  In simple terms the closer to the insolvency event a transaction takes place the greater the burden of the duty to creditors.

Which brings us to the Finance Act 2020.  This simply expands the scope of powers available to one creditor, namely HMRC, that believes it has unwittingly been the victim of the financial equivalent of domestic abuse- “tax abuse”.  In HMRC’s views this means that anyone involved in activities such as tax avoidance /evasion and phoenixism where a company goes into an insolvency process without paying taxes can be pursued.  The legislation has been broadly drafted to catch in addition to the directors any employees and professionals like accountants, solicitors and tax consultants who may have advised the company.

Apart from the twin threats of criminal prosecution and personal liability the third change introduced by the Finance Act puts skin in the game for HMRC.  This is the re-introduction in December 2020 after 17 odd years of secondary preferential status for all the company’s PAYE and VAT liabilities where companies go into an insolvency process.  The big change this time around is that there are no time limits on the how long the VAT and PAYE have been outstanding. For lenders with floating charge security these changes mean that the value of their security may potentially be worthless as HMRC will be paid in full in priority to them.

In 2021, as HMRC flexes its newly granted long desired powers it is more important that directors and promoters of companies seek appropriate professional advice to ensure that they do not fall foul of new legislation as they navigate through the most challenging and turbulent trading conditions in living memory.

by Nimish Patel

Partner, Re10 Restructuring and Advisory Ltd

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The Importance of Insurance

There are two schools of perspective when it comes to insurance:

1.       Insurance is a waste of money.  Pay a premium, never claim and round it comes again the following year, and there is no return.  Plus, it takes time we do not have; or

2.       Insurance saved my business, when the {insert disaster situation here}.

The key is understanding what you buy when you purchase insurance and knowing that if the worst happens then there is some insurance that will respond.

I have been an insurance broker for over 30 years.  I have spent my time meeting businesses and not for profits getting to understand what it is that worries them and letting them know what I would be worried about if I was in their shoes.  It is a relaxed approach.  No one needs to buy insurance unless they want to.  There are only two compulsory covers – employers’ liability and motor fleet – so everything else is a matter of choice.

The choice needs to be an informed one.

It has been a turbulent year in the insurance world.  After many years of relatively low premiums in a competitive insurance market, the tide turned.  Fires, floods, overseas disasters, a pandemic and subsequent economic slowdown have hit insurers hard.  Premiums are going up for many, but not all.

Now is the time to become informed.

I started Sona Insurance Brokers in November 2019 having worked for a few insurance brokers over the years with a resolution that I would advise clients on what they can and cannot insure for and what they might consider and manage.  I am not an advocate of buying any and every policy that a company could buy, but I have seen my fair share of surprising situations to know how valuable a policy can be when things go wrong, particularly cyber related in recent times.

Part of the role is to be there when things do go wrong.  I have seen people run for the hills when things go wrong.  That is not our approach.  Sona wants to help.

Sona will help you undertake a thorough review of your organisation’s risks.  It does take a bit of time, but it leads to some major benefits, such as better premiums, preparedness and importantly peace of mind.

Sona means wisdom.  It is wise to be informed, particularly in these turbulent times. For more information visit:

by Rob Thacker

Sona Insurance Brokers 

Collaboration Partner – The Brooke Consultancy

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Steps to be taken in relation to trademarks and designs

Steps to be taken in relation to trademarks and designs since the advent of the UK/EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement

–        Make a note of the new UK registration numbers along with the due renewal dates.

–        File new UK trade mark and design applications in relation to any pending EU applications:  any EU trade mark applications or EU design applications still pending on 1 January 2021 will NOT have been automatically cloned into comparable UK registrations.  This includes any designs which may have been allowed by 1 January 2021 but under deferred publication. Provided the new applications for trade marks and designs are filed in the UK by 30 September 2021, the original filing dates of the EU pending rights can be maintained.

–        Check whether any comparable UK rights fall due for renewal during 2021.  Even if the EU registrations have already been renewed, the UK registrations will NOT be automatically renewed if they fall due in 2021

–        Ensure that any licenses recorded against EUTMs are re-registered against the new UK registrations:  any licenses recorded against an EUTM registration will NOT automatically be recorded on the UK trade mark register

–        Consider whether to appoint a UK representative in relation to your new UK registrations.  Whilst it is not compulsory to do so unless the registrations are subject of any proceedings (e.g. invalidation proceedings), there is an advantage to appointing a UK trade mark attorney as the address for service as this will ensure any official deadlines and renewals are entered into a records system to ensure that no rights are lost


The patent side of IP is largely unaffected by Brexit because the European Patent System exists outside the EU.    In fact, nothing changes for patents and UK patent attorneys are still representing applicants at the EPO exactly as they did before Brexit.  Brexit does mean that if the Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court eventually does come to life, the UK will no longer participate in that. However, this is not up and running yet (and there are doubts as to whether it ever will be) and so there’s no particular action that you need to take on that yet.

Rosemary Cardas of Keltie LLP:

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Calling All Developers – Are You Commonhold Ready?

Pankaj Patel is TBC’s commercial and property lawyer who combines his wide legal skills with many years’ of entrepreneurial experience.

The concept of Commonhold has been around since 2002 but there has been very little take up by developers.  However, now that there has been escalating criticism of leasehold properties, the time may now have arrived. It’s not that novel; it’s the way that flats or units are sold in Australia and in USA.  That’s why they are called a Unit or Condominium. Instead of owning a leasehold flat, you purchase a freehold flat.

Leaseholders are granted a lease by the freeholder to occupy a flat for a fixed number of years. Leaseholders encounter problems, including:

· being required by the lease to pay ground rent, which increases alarmingly over time;

· as the lease gradually gets shorter, its market value slips, and there are problems selling it; buyers are unable to obtain a mortgage, as lenders are averse to lending against short leases;

· having to comply with restrictions in the lease such as not being able to keep any pet at all. This may sound de minimis (a trifle), but pets have become popular now people are spending a lot of time at home.

Government reforms are expected to include legislation: –

· enabling leaseholders to extend their leases to 990 years, for a fee payable to the freeholder;

· requiring ground rents to be zero in newly extended 990-year leases and new leases;

· encouraging Commonhold ownership instead of leasehold.

Commonhold is a form of ownership for multi-occupancy developments, such as a house divided into flats. In a Commonhold structure, each flat owner: –

· is called a ‘unit holder’, and owns the freehold of their flat (their flat is called a ‘unit’); there is no ground rent and their interest is not limited to a fixed number of years.

· is also a member of a ‘Commonhold Association’, which is special form of limited company, which is the freehold owner and manager of the ‘common parts’ of the development.

Thus, as one of the members of the Commonhold Association, a unit holder has a ‘communal stake’ in the management of their development, unlike a leasehold.

Commonholds have been available for over a decade, but very few have been formed for various reasons. The Government reforms are expected to make the Commonhold structure popular, and perhaps even compulsory.

The Government reforms, together with adroit marketing by a developer, may result in units in a Commonhold development achieving a higher market price on sale, than a leasehold.

A higher market price may be attractive to developers, representing an accelerated receipt of a lump sum in payment for giving up the freehold.

We shall be following the Government reforms as they take shape in the coming months.

If you have a query please contact Pankaj.

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The Importance of PR for Start-ups

‘You never get a second chance to make a first impression.’

Public Relations is a powerful tool for a start-up to raise its profile and build relationships. It will help prove the viability of a product or service, build a business model, and attract investment.  Start-ups are early-stage businesses that face a unique public relations challenge. They need to identify and build new relationships from the ground up with a public around an innovative product or service.

Investment in public relations can be incredibly valuable and cost effective as an accelerator for early stage and start-up organisations. At its best it enables the company to build a community and long-term relationships with potential investors, partners, and customers. Often PR makes it onto a fledgling company’s radar too late. The process of developing the right relationships with influencers, journalists and media outlets should in fact begin from day one. PR is an investment for the long run and should be part of every start-up’s business plan.

As a new business and brand, you need to build your reputation, and quickly.  It is not what you say about yourself, but what others say about you that counts. When a journalist, analyst or commentator writes about you in a positive light, it immediately establishes credibility.  There are no shortcuts when it comes to PR for a new company with no footprint. Getting media attention requires persistence and creativity.

Modern corporate communications and public relations campaigns are integrated across all forms of media.  This means part of Public Relations is also getting featured not only in traditional media such as newspapers, trade publications, tv and radio, but also in online media, blog sites and social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Nowadays, direct feedback in online networking sites can propagate in a way that can make or break a start-up company.  PR plays the critical role of reputation monitoring and management. Failing to fill this role could leave a dangerous gap.

This is the reason why start-ups should engage an experienced PR professional to help develop and implement their strategy.  PR has its own pace and the worst thing a new company can do is to get out of the starting gate too soon, only to receive negative or ‘off-message’ media coverage, leaving them with a damaged reputation that can take a long time to overcome.  While developing and promoting your story is proactive, crisis management is the reactive side of PR, and another vital aspect of your toolkit.

Anything could happen to create unwanted media attention around your company, such as a data leak, product contamination, a death within the company, service malfunction, or a disgruntled employee. You always need to have a strategy ready for such situations and your PR professional will know how to draft a holding statement and appropriate media responses to shine a positive light on your business at any instance and manage the situation.

Effective PR will bring in high quality employees.  Building the team and attracting quality talent is an important job of start-up founders. Exceptional people are drawn to companies that have momentum and create a buzz. Equally, positive media coverage will reignite a founding team’s motivation, serving as validation of their hard work, their performance in tough times, and an exciting future ahead for the company.

S. Raabe PR specialist

A well-defined PR strategy creates a positive image for a long time and ensures sustainable company success.  Public Relations is the skill of perception management.  It is your business strategy and model properly understood by everyone – including you.


by Sabine Raabe

PR Specialist, Insight PR & Media

Collaboration Partner – The Brooke Consultancy

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India: A Beacon for British SMEs

India Unmasked

It will come as a surprise to some that the largest vaccine manufacturer in the world is based in India: the Serum Institute of India, supplier to the world.

It may also be a surprise that not only did India achieve the fastest rate of vaccinations – one million in 6 days – but India recently began exporting the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine to countries such as Brazil, Saudi Arabia, UAE and, free to Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar and Bangladesh. It is no surprise then that China sees India as its major competitor in more ways than one especially since the recent new strategic defence cooperation announced between the US, Australia, Japan and India which is intended as a “China containment effort”.

Dig deeper, and one begins to see a path to business opportunities for British world-class products, technology and services in the defence and paramilitary sectors.

A Beacon

These landmarks offer a beacon for weary British SMEs, and bring to light an opportunity to tap India’s capabilities and its large talent pool. We should view India as a vast resource where one can both develop and manufacture for domestic and international markets and tap into India’s own large layered consumer retail market.

In other words, India does not just provide technical and manufacturing potential, and an available skilled and semi-skilled work-force, but also a market for our goods and services in biotech, pharma, railways & roads infrastructure, defence and homeland security, medical devices, healthcare and hospital networks, avionics and electronics, education, solar, IT and…well, the list goes on!

British SMEs remain world leaders in technology, design and product innovation, with particular strengths in education and financial services. Very few realise the value they sit on and their potential in India.

The Indian corporate landscape is suited to British SMEs, and India’s many listed large and small companies and myriad of unlisted Indian SMEs mean there are plenty of folk to work with.

Britain Lags. Why?

It is true that the road to business success in India is bumpy and can seem daunting to the unprepared.

Our great British apprehension of India’s different culture and worries about baffling peculiar local business practices have mostly hindered hopeful SMEs.  However, Brexit and then the pandemic have cast a long dark shadow on the British economy and India provides huge potential if we can overcome the fear of the known unknowns in India.

Only our mind-set keeps us lagging behind our major western competitors in India.

The foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, in recent months, has sought to shed light on the path to India. The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak also encouraged greater synergy between our financial services industry and Indian companies. That said, to take real advantage of doing business in India will need both preparation and experience of cultural barriers and local bumps.

H. Lamba due diligence specialist india

For example, local partner selection should not be just a desktop management flow-chart exercise ere at home. Choosing your local partners is the most crucial “touch-and-feel” factor which will almost completely permeate your experience in India and may be your greatest risk. Drafting in British Indians to try and ‘fit in’ locally is often not the answer and can be viewed as condescending.

Although there certainly are real challenges there are also real and practical solutions and the prospect of significant rewards. In future blogs I will highlight what is important on your road to India – and it is not just having world-class products and technologies, or “contacts”, or shiny glass offices in Delhi as many over-zealous Western companies with great products and technologies have discovered in India to their detriment.

by Harinder Lamba

LH-Blenheim Advisors

Collaboration Partner – The Brooke Consultancy

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Tips for SMEs – why GDPR matters

As an employer, you doubtless seek to ensure that you operate legally. Contracts of employment, staff manuals, equality compliance – all bread-and-butter HR practices.

But have you ensured you are ‘GDPR’ compliant? SMEs are equally subject to privacy laws as their larger counterparts, and just as vulnerable to legal and regulatory risks should they get it wrong.

Have you met the ‘transparency’ requirement with your staff? Have you provided adequate training to those handling sensitive data? And are you aware of how ‘weaponised’ privacy has become in employment litigation? These are as much ‘HR’ topics as legal ones.

This overview discusses the ‘basics’ of GDPR from a SME perspective, and will hopefully allow you to evaluate your level of current compliance.

Are you compliant?

There are many facets of GDPR which may apply to a business, depending on factors such as its size and the nature of data processing. These may include data protection officers, training, data privacy impact assessments, international transfers and 3rd-party processing.

However, even in small employers, there are basic requirements which must be met;

• Depending on the nature of your business, you may be required to register with the ICO and pay an annual fee. If you’re not sure if this applies to your business, you should check here;

• Even if you don’t need to pay a fee, GDPR will still be relevant and, if you employ people, you need to meet the ‘transparency’ requirement explained below;

• You may also wish to assess your overall compliance status with the ICO’s tool here.

Transparency – what the law requires

In the words of the ICO “Individuals have the right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal data. This is a key transparency requirement under the GDPR”.

In the case of an employer, the individuals concerned will include job applicants, employees and ex-employees. The privacy information you should provide to these data subjects – indeed, the very legal basis on which you process such data – differs completely from that given to clients or in a website-use privacy policy.

The topic of privacy policies, how they apply to SME employers, and how we can assist with compliance, is discussed in greater detail in our guide GDPR and the Transparency Requirement.

Do you train employees in privacy?

One of the questions asked by the regulator in its small businesses self-assessment tool (see above) is “Do you and your staff (if you have any) know your data protection responsibilities?” In the explanatory text, it goes on to cite the example of a builder with a couple of office staff. The point here is that anyone handling personal data in their place of work should have an understanding of the law and how to manage data securely.

For most data controllers, there is plenty of relevant guidance on the ICO’s website, but it is essential that you not only deliver awareness information but clearly document the process.

If, however, you are processing either significant amounts of data, or particularly sensitive data, you should consider engaging professional support.

Bear in mind that, should a data breach occur through human error, the regulator is likely to question whether data handlers were given appropriate awareness.

GDPR and employment litigation

Should one of your (ex-)employees consult a lawyer with a view to launching employment litigation, the odds are that the latter will immediately recommend the submission of  a GDPR ‘Subject Access Request’.

Lawyers harness this legal right as an evidence ’fishing’ tool – looking for that incriminating email to compromise you and bolster a claim of maltreatment.

They are well versed in casting their net as widely as possible, using broad language such as “all internal communications that relate to me, including emails and other electronic documents throughout the period of my employment”. They will also sometimes ask for information to which the applicant isn’t actually entitled, in the hope that an ill-informed employer will simply comply.

Whilst compliance with this may seem straightforward, there are areas where interpretation and judgement are required:

• Is the document actually about the data subject? Ordinary business communications, to which the applicant was merely a party in their professional capacity, are not in scope;
• Would disclosure of the data adversely affect the privacy rights of another employee? Even if their name was redacted? If so, disclosure may be inappropriate but redaction must be justified;
• Is the request sufficiently complex to warrant an extension of the one-month deadline?
• How should electronic records be searched and data extracted securely?
• With all of this in mind, should you ever receive a subject access request, you need to consult – immediately – someone with good knowledge of both the law and its practical application. It is very unlikely that your company’s regular solicitor can provide these capabilities.

GDPR and SMEs – How I can help

Firstly, there are a few reasons why I should help.

• All employers are vulnerable to disgruntled employees, and non-compliance with GDPR can leave them exposed;

• Designing GDPR documentation that would withstand legal challenge, or responding to a Subject Access Request effectively, requires knowledge and practical experience;

• Specialist privacy lawyers are often ‘overkill’ for smaller organisations and commensurately expensive;
Using a professionally-qualified practitioner minimises risk and legal liability GDPR specialist

What is my approach?

• I will assess anything you already have in place and will not try to sell services where they are not required;
• My professional fees, agreed in advance, are low compared to larger consultancies or specialist lawyers;
• I offer a ‘virtual’ data protection officer package, with annual staff training and on-demand GDPR support, for a low fixed fee.
• I have over seventeen years of practical experience in privacy and information security in corporate settings, so can apply the law in a pragmatic manner and one suited to your actual requirements.


Michael Brunker CISM CIPP/E
Principal – BRP Consulting
Collaboration Partner – The Brooke Consultancy

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Protecting Intellectual Property post Brexit

Businesses that own IP rights, trademarks, patents, designs or copyrights should seek legal advice NOW

Whether or not there is a deal on Brexit before the 31st December 2020 you should be aware of the effect of Brexit on your IP rights.  In particular, action may be required in relation to any registered or pending European Union Trade Marks (“EUTMs”) and Registered EU Designs (“RCDs”).

1.       If you have made an application for an EUTM or RCD which is still pending as of 31st December 2020, you must file a separate national UK application if you want your trade mark or design to be protected in the UK.  Provided the comparable UK application is filed by 30 September 2021 the resulting registration will be effective from the date of the original ETUM or RCD application.

2.       Registered EUTMs and RCDs will be automatically cloned into national UK trade mark or design registrations.  It will eventually be necessary to appoint a UK address for service for national UK IP rights and so consideration should be given as to whether to appoint a UK trade mark attorney firm to represent you in relation to any national IP rights.

3.       Any national UK trade mark rights which stem from an EUTM registration, must be renewed separately.  This means that even if you have renewed an EUTM registration early, if the renewal falls after 31 December 2020, you must also renew the UK registration.

4.       Unregistered community design rights will continue to be protected and enforceable in the UK for the remainder of their 3-year term.   The UK government will introduce equivalent protection in the UK through the new Supplementary Unregistered (SUD) Right.

5.       You need to consider all agreements that mention an EUTM.



As the European Patent Office is not an EU agency, leaving the EU does not affect the current European patent system. Existing European patents covering the UK are also unaffected.

European patent attorneys based in the UK continue to be able to represent applicants before the EPO.


Most UK copyright works, books, films and music, will still be protected in the EU and the UK.  This is because the UK has a continued participation in the international treaties on copyright.


Help & Advice

TBC has access to all the expertise that you need. We work with Keltie LLP who are a premier firm of trademark and patent attorneys.

Rosemary Cardas of Keltie will be able to tell you about a range of fee concessions for Brexit related work set out above.

All Intellectual Property matters are dealt with by the Intellectual Property Office and you can find  guidance at

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Your business’s strategy – why external input is important

Chris Disspain is the Director of TBC’s non-legal services including advice on strategy, government relations, cybersecurity and crisis management. Here he explains the role of independent input into your business’s strategic planning.

TBC offers businesses an opportunity to take stock, test assumptions, clarify goals and refine strategy to ensure they are ready for the next step in their journey to success. How?

A fish can’t see water –

Many small to medium enterprises (SMEs) have a plan that sets out their Strategy. And that Strategic Plan is often, to quote Douglas Adams, “…on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard’.”. Not literally, obviously. Many offices don’t have a disused lavatory or a leopard.

Successful SMEs have a Strategic Plan, look at it often and update it regularly. But even the most successful SMEs don’t always understand the key challenge they face. The people who write the Strategic Plan and measure its success usually work IN the business and just as a fish can’t see water, those writers and measurers may not be best placed to ‘see’ the business.

OK, enough about fish (and leopards). Let’s talk about murder –

Or more precisely, let’s talk Murder Boards. The term Murder Board originated in the US Military and it’s generally described as a committee of questioners set up to undertake a critical review. It’s often used to help people prepare for political hearings or going before the media in a crisis. But it is a crucial tool in other contexts too.

Whether you’re just starting a business, well established, a new owner, a keen seller or need to create a strategic plan or a strategy to achieve a specific goal such as an acquisition, a Murder Board can help you.

Simply put, in a business context, a Murder Board’s job is to ask questions, test beliefs, pick at loose thread, poke holes, find gaps, identify group think and expose the dangers, risks and challenges, opportunities strategies and pathways that you may have missed because you’re inside and can’t see the water.

We hope you can see that the Murder Board is not relentlessly negative. There may be unidentified nasties lurking just outside your field of vision but there will also be positives, new opportunities, enhanced strategies and AH-HA moments.

“Brilliant” we hear you say. “Can’t I just get my mates round and do a Murder Barbeque?” –

Yes, subject to any current social distancing rules, of course you can. But, honestly, whilst it will most assuredly be a Barbeque it is likely to be more Massage than Murder.

You don’t need input and advice from a bunch of friends who may well just tell you what they think you want to hear, massage your ego and worry about what you’ll think of them if they tell you something negative.

You need objective outsiders, who understand strategy and planning, who are experienced in business but not in your business, and who won’t be concerned about asking naïve questions. You need facilitators who won’t self-censor or edit their questions or answers or worry about not getting an invitation to the next social event at your place.

“Got it, but everything is fine right now. I’ll wait until we’re next due to renew our Strategic Plan or there’s a crisis.”, you might suggest –

Absolutely…except…remember that truly successful businesses operate with a continuous strategic mindset and with checks and balances in place to ensure that every operational step is in line with the fundamental pillars of their strategy.

Running a Murder Board is not about your Strategic Plan as such but about ongoing business strategy, investment strategy, operating in the real world, and checking in on the businesses belief systems, marketing and sales messages, customers or clients.

And yes, in a crisis a Murder Board is very valuable to finesse messaging and media strategy. But it’s much more effective in crisis management if it has been preceded by an overarching look at the business that has already identified the dangers, risks and challenges and formulated plans for dealing with them.

We can help!

TBC provides Business Advice in the Round. We don’t just help your business with legal issues. We provide you with access to our expert collaboration partners and our own team of business professionals experienced in strategy and planning. We’ve run Murder Boards for start-ups and established businesses for many reasons including to test their strategy, sales and marketing plans or operations and to get them ready for investment or sale.

We’d be delighted to chat with you about what we can offer that will help you ‘see the water’.

The Brooke Consultancy is a law firm and business consultancy offering Business Advice in the Round. We help businesses and individuals prosper. Click here to contact us.


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The Brooke Consultancy – An opportunity for lawyers to join A New Model Law Firm

Chris Disspain is the Chair of TBC’s Management Team. He is a lawyer, author, CEO and non-executive director. Here he looks at how the TBC model works and why it is attractive to some lawyers.

I was 36 when I quit the law. I’d lived through the tyranny of the timesheet; I’d done the day-to-day drudgery of admin, and I’d experienced the pains of partnership. What I really wanted was a way to pursue the bits of being a lawyer that I was passionate about…you know, the actual ‘being a lawyer’ bits. Back then, I just couldn’t see a way to do that.

Things have moved on a fair bit since those days. The Brooke Consultancy (TBC), set up by my ex-senior partner Lynne Brooke, is a New Model Law Firm that is reinventing what it means to have a fulfilling and rewarding career in the law – for both young solicitors who feel they are just another cog in a large machine and for veterans of the profession looking to step off the treadmill of large firms and reignite the passion that drew them into a career in law in the first place.

TBC are a group of like-minded lawyers and business professionals who work remotely and don’t have fancy offices or irrelevant overheads. TBC’s clients pay for help and advice not for plush furnishings and art works.

Whether they are young or mature, TBC was created to allow lawyers that join us the freedom to

  • choose work that is in line with their personal passion
  • make or enhance their professional reputation
  •  ignite or revive their drive
  • untether themselves from the never ending ‘full timesheets are everything’ dictum and take on as many or as few cases as they choose

TBC offers the infrastructure, security, flexibility and financial safety-net to allow lawyers to work on what excites and drives them.

TBC saves its lawyers time, effort and money by:

  • doing the day to day administration, accounts and billing management
  • dealing with all aspects of the SRA and compliance (other than lawyers own professional conduct)
  • dealing with client account management
  • handling practising certificates and professional indemnity insurance
  • professionally dealing with any complaints
  • providing large firm marketing and promotion coupled with a small firm ethos and character
  • giving access to professionals and experts in other areas so lawyers can provide their clients with a full ‘in house’ service

TBC’s goal is to enable lawyers to create a professionally enriching self-managed career path without needing to take on the high risk, high-pressure demands, and huge costs of going it alone.

This opportunity is not for everyone. Lawyers that join TBC have an existing client following with billings in excess of £75,000 per year. TBC’s lawyers keep 70% of the fees paid from work introduced by and carried out by them. Arrangements are in place for referral fees to be paid for work introduced by them to other lawyers and vice versa.

If the idea of pursuing this path in genuine collaboration with some of the brightest and best minds in the law attracts you or re-ignites a fire that has been slowly ebbing away in the world of large firm anonymity, simply make contact with TBC. Let’s start a conversation about a future that reduces risk and allows you to take back control of your career, to lift your professional profile, to create the flexibility and agility to work the hours you choose on the matters you are passionate about and to trash to tyranny of the timesheet; ditch the drudgery of day to day administration and part with the pain of partnership.

TBC is currently looking for lawyers within all fields but especially immigration, employment, IP, Property, Tax, Private Client, IT contracts, and family law with particular reference to financial settlements.

If you’re interested in learning more contact Eva Caletkova on

The Brooke Consultancy is a law firm and business consultancy offering Business Advice in the Round. We help businesses and individuals prosper. Click here to contact us.






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